Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Remember Dick, Jane and Spot? Well, this is a whole new Jane. It's Jane at work!

If you happen to fall within my age group, learning to read was all about Dick, Jane and Spot books. "Look Dick, see Jane Run." Well, Jane is all grown up now and she's a working girl. See Jane Work is a company totally devoted to supplying office products that are fun and stylish, but also affordable and practical with fashionable high-end asthetics. One of my California customers, Jack, turned me on to these deliciously color-coordinated office products. While chatting by phone, I learned that Jack's wife was born and raised in Ann Arbor, Michigan. It wasn't long before our conversation took a U-turn from the topic of soap making. Partly because my husband attended Eastern Michigan University in Ypsilanti (a neighboring community of Ann Arbor) and the fact that we live just minutes from Ann Arbor. While talking, Jack casually spoke of his friend Holly Bohn, owner of

The products offered sounded really cool and my interest was peaked. After hanging up with Jack, I paid a vist to Holly's web site. It's awesome and I confess to being a new fan. I will be placing an order soon. The only down side is that the web pages seemed to take an incredibly long time to load. Not sure why as I have a very high speed internet connection.

Slow loading pages were easily forgiven once I discovered that this store can help turn a chaotic work station into a stylish, uncluttered and groovin' work zone. See Jane Work is all about banishing ugly office accessories and helping us girls get organized and stay organized...and all with pizzzaazzz! Scented erasers, task paper clips, memo mouse pads, some absolutely "kick-butt" file folders, clear stapler with fancy staples (sure beats that ugly tan or black one sitting on your desk, come'on, you know you have one), and some truly hip letter trays that just scream with color.

Even if you're not looking to purchase office supplies, you've gotta at least drop by this site to browse. I've already bookmarked several gift items for Christmas stocking stuffers, graduation gifts, my nieces birthdays... things like Smencils (smelly pencils), journals, cool luggage tags and CD cases. All very affordable and items that could be incorporated into a gift basket that ROCKS!!

Thanks, Jack, for turning me on to this wonderful site.

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