I recently hosted a wine tasting and h'orderve party for a group of friends. All were woman between the ages of 30 and 60. At some point in the evening the subject of "Bunco" was brought into the conversation. I know a number of women who participate in Bunco" groups and have been excited about starting one with some of my close friends. For those of you who don't know, Bunco is a popular "Ladies Night Out" social interaction dice game that has been around for years. Bunco is typically hosted at a house party with an average of 12 players attending.
A good number of the ladies at my party were thrilled with the idea of a monthly Bunco party. However, there were a couple of ladies who called it "an old persons game" and wanted no part. I was actually surprised that someone would put this type of label on Bunco. Come 'on, how can you possibly place Bunco into a select age group? Bunco lets you to....
1) socialize with good friends,
2) leave cares, worries, and kids behind (with dads and baby-sitters)
3) snack on M& M's. Chex-mix, or anything else that's not on your diet plan
4) sip on wine, guzzle soft drinks, and eat appetizers with total disregard of calorie intake
5) talk with friends about anything that tickles your fancy, inlcluding husbands, kids, movies, TV shows, and anyone who doesn't show up
6) play a silly, mindless dice game with wild abandon and laugh until you almost pee your pants
Needless to say, I've totally ignored those who diss Bunco and ordered the official game with plans to start a monthly Bunco party. I'd sure love to receive tips and comments about the game. If you belong to a Bunco group, please post anything you believe would be helpful.
Go for it girl! I belong to a Bunco group and every time "the girls" meet, we have the best time ever. Consider adding prizes for the most Buncos, the lowest score, highest score, etc. Enjoy!!