Thursday, January 17, 2008

The new Thesaurus Arrived Today!!

For those of you who follow this blog, you know that I recently posted about my Thesaurus that was 30-plus years old. Well, I finally laid the weary soul to rest and purchased a new one from Staples.

Why in the world I waited so long to buy a new one is beyond me. My gosh, I can actually flip through it without pages falling out and the words are in bold print. Imagine that... bold print, I wonder what year they started doing that! When I ammoritize the cost of the book over 30 years, it will have cost me 25 cents per year.


  1. Hi Denise!

    My name is Michelle and I've been reading your blog for sometime now :) I've also tagged you over on my blog!

  2. Thanks, Michelle. Glad you're enjoying the blog. Have some really nifty soap projects on the way. Keep checking back!


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