Saturday, March 01, 2008

A snapshot of things to come...

You may have noticed that the blog has received a face lift. It's just a sneak preview of things to come. We have been working with our web site design firm for several months to bring a whole new look to the GoPlanetEarth web site. Just this week we finalized proofs and will begin the work of transferring data from the old site to the new. As you know, our web site is pretty extensive, so this will take some time. We are employing a number of trained specialists to assist with the transition. If all goes well, we are hoping to go live with the new design early summer. It's a massive project, but once completed, we believe you will find the site even easier to navigate.

This new, jazzy and fun look reflects the attitude of our company and those we employee. Staff voted on the proofs they liked best. Their vote played an important role in the final design selection.

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