Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Melt & Pour Soap: Butterfly Curl Soaps

After a long, cold winter, we Northerners are always anxious for signs of Spring. The first spotting of a colorful butterfly signifies that Spring has arrived. This project features a clear glycerine butterfly soap embedded with colorful soap curls. This project can be completed in as little as 60 minutes and makes a wonderful gift for Mother's Day, Easter, or just for yourself!

Here's what you need:
  • Mold Market's Butterfly Sheet Mold
  • 1-lb Clear Glycerine Soap- will yield approximately 4 butterflies
  • Soap Curls or colored soap scraps. You will want at least 3-4 different colors.
  • 2 teaspoons fragrance oil per 1 lb. soap base- this recommendation is based on the fragrance oils we stock. You may need to adjust the amount if using another supplier's fragrance.
  • Soap Thermometer- absolutely essential when working with embedded soap
  • Glass Measuring Cup
  • Microwave or Aluminum Melting Pot
  • Rubbing Alcohol in a spray bottle

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