Sunday, August 17, 2008

How Cool is This Bath Puff Wreath?

I would love to take credit for this creative display of bath puffs. But, I can't. This wreath was made as a gift (by a friend) for Linda Nigro from

Note the bath salts and shower gel attached to the wreath. I love the Santa in the tub. I'm guessing that the words "Soapier" were done with puffy paint or something similar. The clear iridiscent mini ornaments (used as bubbles) can be found at most discount stores during the holiday season. We're going to making a few ourselves and we'll post about it as we complete the project.

Did you note how the little bag of bath salts and shower gel were integrated into the design? The santa is an ornament positioned in a miniature bath tub. How cute!

Our goal is to inspire!

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