Thursday, January 22, 2009

The Best Ever Sausage Dip

Last night was Bunco night and there were appetizers galore. Occasionally, there's an appetizer everyone rants and raves over and it's usually one of the easiest to make. This was the case with Mo's Sausuage Dip. It was a hit!

I'm certain that we've all sampled a version of this same dip at some time or another. Perhaps, we Bunco girls were just particularly hungry last night. But, for whatever reason, we pounced on this dip like a racoon on garbage. I believe we would have licked the dish if we thought no one was looking.

Anyway, my good friend, Mo (short for Maureen) emailed this recipe. Hope you enjoy it as much as we Bunco Girls did.


5 green onions chopped
1 lb. roll of Bob Evans Zesty Hot Sausage
1 cup sour cream
1/2 cup mayo
1/4 up parmesan cheese
2 oz jar chopped pimento (drained)

Heat oven to 350 degrees. Brown meat, drain. Add everything but 1 onion. Put in 1 quart baking dish. Bake 20-25 minutes, uncovered. Garnish with other green onion.

Hey...this is also great as a baked potato topping. DELISH!!

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