Thursday, July 23, 2009

Easy Eco-Wrap for Bars of Soap

Easy Eco Packaging for Bars of Soap
I'm always scouting out new eco-friendly packaging for bars of soap. I love the simplistic packaging of this Argan offered by To me, the packaging alone lends creditability to the eco-friendly soap beneath the wrapper. sells corrugated wrap and natural raffia along with printable handmade papers. Use this packaging idea as inspiration to create your own earth-friendly soap wraps. Just remember, if working with melt and pour soaps, you will need to wrap your soaps first to ensure that they remain free from glycerin dew and to keep them from shrinking due to water evaporating from the soaps over time. Shrink wrap or stretch plastic wrap is best for wrapping melt and pour soap.

Not sure how to wrap your MP soaps. Watch a short tutorial at

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