Monday, August 10, 2009

Beyond Soap: My Take on Lawn Art

Remember lawn ornaments made from cut-out wooden shapes? My grandparents we're big on these types of lawn ornaments. I've never been a fan and personally think you should immediately remove any that are currently perched in your lawn. That's not to say I don't like yard art. My hubby and I have our own take on lawn art (pictured above). Our metal wine lady was a display nabbed from a local wine store. She is stately perched amidst flowers ready to pour arriving guests a glass of wine. Note her cool rhinestone earring.

If you have the above cut-outs in your lawn, you should remove immediately!

We are adding a new piece of yard art. The wine butler below is being prepped for installation by the front door. He will hold a chalkboard menu that we can use to write personalized messages to arriving guests.

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