Sunday, October 04, 2009

There's Nothing Wrong with ME time

A day at the local Apple Orchard which included pony rides.

Since losing my Dad to cancer last year, I have become much more aware of how I need to have more ME time. This means getting away from work on a regular basis. No computers, no emails replies, no blogging, no tweets, limiting week-end work time and phone calls, and spending more time with family, friends and grandkids.

I sometimes find myself getting side-tracked and gravitating back to my old ways. But the past few weeks brought another awakening. I attended 4 funerals within 10 days. This was more than a gentle reminder. I believe it was my Dad shouting down from above, "LIFE IS SHORT. NO ONE IS GOING TO REMEMBER YOU FOR YOUR WORK". So in these past few weeks I have renewed my vow to commit more time to ME.

Apple Cider & Donuts... YUM!

As I watch my grandkids I am painfully aware of how fast they are growing. Before too long they will be at an age when they won't want to spend time with their NeeNee. I don't want to have regrets about missing out on these wonderful, joyful years when they still want to hug my neck, let me kiss them goodnight, and are visibly excited to spend the night.

Having said all that, here are a few photos of the fun things I've been doing with my ME time. I hope this will prompt YOU to commit to more ME time. Don't let yourself get caught up into reading what everyone else is doing, blogging about, making, creating, selling, tweeting, or promoting. If it's only one day out of the week, make it yours and yours alone. Make it your ME time!

Making Halloween cupcakes with my Grandson.

Decorating pumpkins with the grandkids.

1 comment:

  1. Good advice! I sometimes almost with I didn't have a computer to spend time on. Almost. The grandkids are too cute!


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