Friday, November 06, 2009

Below is a excerpt from a letter enclosed with this week's employee paychecks. Every year, GoPlanet selects a number of worthy causes to support with monetary or gift donations. This is the second year we have elected to support Samaritan's Purse, a Christian relief organization led by Franklin Graham (son of Billy Graham).

Dear Employees:

Attached is a check for you to cash and shop for your "Shoebox Christmas Child". It is your responsibilty to shop on your own time and to fill your shoe box with items appropriate for the age of the child you select. I will provide the plastic shoe box.

The shoebox relief program is part of your partnership and employment with GoPlanet. As you know, GoPlanetEarth is commited to giving to those in need locally and around the world.



GoPlanet welcomes your donated $$'s to support this project. We are shipping the shoe boxes on Friday, Nov 20th. Our shopping cart includes an area for those wanting to donate to the Samaritan Project. Our staff will put together additional shoeboxes based on the dollars received through customer donations. Each shoebox will contain approximately $25 in items. My staff is especially excited this year as Samaritan Purse is following our boxes so we can discover their destination.

Whether you donate to this cause, or others, I pray you uplift those in need this holiday season.

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