Below is the Bath Butter Scrub recipe that we are using for Soap Night. If you would like to purchase the entire kit, you can do so on the GoPlanetEarth web site. A limited number of kits are being offered until the end of the year. You will want to order early to ensure you get one. The kit includes labels, jars, and all the ingredients needed to make (4) body butter scrubs. The only thing not included is the sugar which is readily available from your pantry or a local grocer. There are two fragrance choices offered with the kit: Japanese Cherry Blossom (makes a pink color body scrub) and Olive Asian Tapenade (makes a yellow color body scrub as shown below).
The finished product is perfect for gift-giving. This type of scrub sells for up to $30 a jar. Make your own for a fraction of the cost!
Fills two 8-ounce jars
- 16 ounces of bath butter
- 2 1/2 tablespoons of glycerin
- 8 drops of DWP colorant
2 1/2 to 3 teaspoons of fragrance oil - 3/4 cup sugar (we used standard white sugar that you bake with)
- 1 cup medium coarse sea salts
Whip the bath butter with electric mixer unitl it begins to get smooth. Then add the glycerin, color and sugar. Continue mixing until light and fluffy. Fold in the medium coarse sea salt and fragrance. Spoon mixture into jar.
NOTE: If you find it difficult to get the mixture into the jar, do the following:
Scoop all of the mixture from the mixing bowl into a 4-cup microwaveable dish. A glass measuring cup works well. Set microwave on medium heat and heat the mixture for 3 minutes, remove and stir gently. Place back in the microwave for another 1 to 2 minutes. DO NOT OVERHEAT. Every microwave heats differently, so keep your eye on the mixture. You just want the mixture soft enough to pour into the jar.
A young skin renews its surface layers every two to three weeks. Over time, as we age and our skin experience sun, stress, pollution, poor diet and poor water intake, the cell turnover rate slows down causing the upper most layer of the skin to become thicker.