Monday, December 21, 2009

The Elfcapades:The Eve of Their Arrival

Carson on the eve of the elves arrival. Their offical paperwork
from the North Pole is in the addressed envelope.

For those of you following the saga of the Magic Elves, this post is an update about their Elfcapades. My, oh my, these little elves have been into just about everything during their stay. I'm guessing Santa will have a few words for them when he reads the files in their Elf Report.

On the eve of their arrival the elves were busy decorating one of the small Christmas trees. They stacked boxes and books so they could reach the tree. And what to the kids' wondering eyes should appear (the next morning)? A tree decorated in undergarments the elves had been pulled out of drawers. I think the red bra really adds a splash of festive appeal.

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