Monday, December 28, 2009

Melt & Pour Soap Making: Valentine Princess Soapsicles & Hearts

My granddaughter, Olivia is all about pink. She is certainly the princess in our family. This week, while enjoying some holiday down-time, I am working on a number of soap projects. I only wish I had more time for the creative side of this business. Lately, I haven't had time to even think about new projects!

This Princess-O soapsicle was designed for my sweet Olivia for Valentine's Day. She loves the girly pink and purple combo, not to mention the "Paradisus" scent is to die for. A mini tutorial is forthcoming and I'll post it after the first of year. For now, I'm trying to get my house in order for our annual New Year's Eve "surf & turf" dinner party.

Hope you're enjoying the remainder of this holiday season. It's snowing in Michigan today and I've got a fire blazing in the fireplace and hanging out in the new PJ's I got for Christmas. Oh how I love snow when I don't have to drive in it.

The infamous Miss O on Christmas Morning.
She's going to be a heartbreaker with her blue-eyes and natural
curly blonde hair. Note her new PINK car seat. She was awe-struck.

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