Monday, June 14, 2010

ECO-Friendly Soap Making: Make the Old Look New

Pictured is a metal deck table and chairs that I've had for years. It was a free gift recieved through points earned via a Spiegel catalog. Throughout the years, I have spray painted the metal to keep it in good condition. This year, however, I decided to step outside the box and spray the table and chairs in three different colors.

LOVE IT! Even my honey-man commented on the colors. When the project was complete, it was just another reminder on how we need to step outside the box when presenting our product. Often, it doesn't take that much effort (or expense) to rework product presentation. It can be as simple as adding a new ribbon to a box or using eco-friendly packaging. Rethinking how you package your products to work with present trends is always your first option; and, considerably less expensive than producing a new product line.

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