Friday, June 04, 2010

Live FREE or Die. Or is it, NEVER Do Anything, Then You Die?

When I lived in New Hampshire, the license plate slogan at the time read "Live Free or Die". Quite honestly, it wasn't until years later that I completely understood the message. In this age of technology and everyone wanting everything within seconds, I'm feeling that the "Live Free"part should read, "Live free from technology or you're gonna die". I have become so perplexed about everyone twittering, texting, posting FB messages about this whole social media thing. God love all of you, but at some point, I want a LIFE!!!!!

If I could create a license's plate slogan it would read, "Never do anything (for yourself), and die UNHAPPY." If I died tomorrow, certainly not one of my customers is going to remember me for texting, twittering, posting on FB, or even the perfect shipment they received from the company. I want to live my life doing things that make me happy, not just my customers. If I'm not doing anything to make myself happy, then what? I die?

My wake up call was this AM when I received a customer email all in a fluff because they didn't get their order in a timely manner. Come on, guys... it was a holiday weekend. This customer placed the order on Sunday, we don't work on Fridays during the summer months and the order shipped within 2 days. YES>>>> within 2 days. Let's take into consideration that this was a holiday weekend, and not just for us, but everyone else. Oh, and did I mention, this customer provided an invalid email address so we couldn't send tracking info. Talk about accountability, why didn't this customer read the info posted on our web site about turn-around times AND the posted holiday hours.

OK>>>>OK>>>>OK>>>>, Yes, I'm venting and rightfully so. I feel I have grown this company to where I should be able to have fun, take some vacations and enjoy my family. Isn't that what you all are working for in your business? In the grand scheme of life, no one is going to die, lose their company, or have a nervous breakdown because our company doesn't get an order out the next day. I believe our employees go beyond the norm to get orders shipped promptly. However, we all have families and I will never expect my employees to be married to this company. They should be married to life. So...if your order is delayed by a day due to a holiday, invalid payment information or order typos, be patient.

Perhaps we should all step back and realize that if we don't do anything but work (meaning, take no time to enjoy life) then we die. We die never knowing what it was like to smell the roses, jump in a cold lake, swing from a rope over a river, snuggle with grandkids, watch our kids perform in their first play, or spend time with our dying parents.

For those of you who are so quick to complain, give these comments some thought. To the rest of my wonderful customers who are so quick to praise, THANK YOU!!

Oh, and the pic displayed above is letting you all know that I'm taking time with my family July 9 through 17 in the Traverse City Area of Michigan. I have minimal staff taking care of business during this down-time, but we'll do our best to service your soaping needs during this closure.


  1. That's an awesome license plate slogan! California's doesn't say anything. Just "california". lol

  2. Awesome! Superb! best! extremely Nice.

    Sample messages


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