Friday, June 25, 2010

My Friday Fix: It's Not Always About Soap

Yes, I do have a life apart from soap. And, this particular Friday is going to be a day away from the world of soap making. The only soap & suds happening today is when I jump into the shower. My Friday Fix is spending time with my daughter and grandkids. Pictured above is Miss O with her mommy.

What's not to love about this blue-eyed beauty. She can be a she-devil at times, but wins back your heart with those butterfly kisses and big blue eyes. She looks just like her mommy at this age.

Yes, and then there is our little guy. Giant blue eyes, curly locks and a laugh that is infectious. Take note of the two fisted "binkies". If one is good, two is better. The red thing in his hand is a silkie pillowcase. He doesn't leave home without it (or that dog-gone pacifer). My daughter tells me she must pick and choose her battles... the pacifer is a losing battle at this point.

And there's my Friday Fix (minus their Daddy, who is working today). My daughter, Miss O, Fish (or we sometimes call him Bubba), and big brother Mr. C. Hope you all enjoy your weekend. I'm finishing up some paperwork in my office and then I'm off to enjoy this beautiful sunny day with family.

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