Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Personal Rambings: Hellooo Friday, I Can't Wait

I'm off to Hawk Island and the zoo this Friday. It's a "grandkids" outing before they head to Northern Michigan for their annual Lake Michigan / Pentwater stay with the "other grandparents". They'll be gone for two weeks and I will be so lonesome I could cry. So, Friday we're scheduling a day of fun (even their Mommie is coming along!)

Hawk Island has a splash park, beach, boat rentals, trails and a gigantic playground to die for. I'm crossing my fingers for great weather. The zoo is just down the road and has plenty of great exhibits that the kids will love.

So, if you try to phone on Friday, just know, I'll be out of the office having some fun. Lord knows I need a break after this week. Everytime I look at my desk, I sigh deeply. I still have two articles to write tonight and it's already 8 pm. Geez, is there no rest for the weary? Heck yes, it's going to be this Friday. Hope you all find time this week for some fun time.

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