Monday, August 16, 2010

Recipes: Coconut Shrimp & Key Lime Pie

This weekend was fun-filled and the weather was SO cooperative. It was our annual progresive dinner that included 3 close couple friends. One couple flew in from Nasville (they were trying to escape the heat wave down there in the South!).

This year the theme was "finger foods (tapas small plates). It was incredible and everyone contributed the best tapas food ever! I must admit, we did have to use flatware for various dishes. But, what the hey!

Pictured at the very top of this post is a pic of the Key-Lime Pie (from scratch) that I made which was dressed with Kiwi and Strawberries slices. Yummy, yummy! Then for my small plate dish... Coconut Shrimp with a Marmalade sauce. Sure wish I could claim it as my own, but, it was a Paula Dean recipe (thank you, Paula, from a women who NEVER cooks). The shrimp turned out awesome. Here is the link for Paula's coconut shrimp recipe:

A Tip for the Coconut Shrimp: Don't forget to add the eggs!!!! I forgot the eggs, but the recipe still worked. No doubt, the eggs would have made the batter stick much better. Sorry, Miss Paula Dean... I didn't mean to shame you.

SIDEBAR: OK, most of you don't know that I'm a horrible cook. My husband does all the cooking. This is a rather humorous side to this post. When I was writing the ingredients for the shrimp recipe (from the TV show), I scribbled that "bacon powder" was needed. When my husband reviewed my shopping list, he asked, "What is bacon powder, I've never heard of that". Well.... it was baking powder! Miss Paula Dean, you've got to get that Southern accent down to something I understand :)

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