Thursday, September 02, 2010

My Friday Fix: Dragon Dictation App for iPhone

The folks at Dragon have developed their own iPhone app that lets you dictate to your iPhone—and it works really well.

The app is a breeze to use. Just fire it up and press the Record button to start dictating. When you're finished, Dragon will put together its best estimation of what you said (I was surprised at its accuracy). If it's not quite right, you can edit the text with a keyboard or tap on individual words for alternate suggestions. When the text is just how you want it, Dragon can copy the text to your clipboard and optionally launch a new email or text message. If you're not a fan of the iPhone's soft keyboard, Dragon Dictation might be right up your alley.

Dragon Dictation is currently a free download, requires iPhone 3.1 OS or later.

For the record, one of my workers brought their niece to work today (she's going into 5th grade). She was the one that found and loaded this app on my iPhone. She's a whiz (aren't all kids these days) with iPhone and iTouch apps. She made my day. No more trying to get my fingers on all the right keys when texting. This app will save me SO MUCH TIME!!!

Sidebar: My husband wanted to know what this app would do with "naughty" swear words, so we had to try it out. I'm sorry, but our curiousity got the best of us. It puts a "*" to bleep out parts of the word. Pretty cool.

Hope you all enjoy the holiday weekend. We are closed Friday - Monday to enjoy the Labor Day weekend. It's last last hurrah here in Michigan before the Fall season. It already feels and smells like Fall.

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