Saturday, September 11, 2010

A Special Note of Thanks

A while back I posted about Kids Saving the Rainforest which is a wonderful organization that I firmly believe is worthy of attention. Well, as promised in my post, GPE did ship the free soap supplies plus some. Here is the email I received over the weekend:

Dear Denise!
Thanks so much for sending the soap making materials! We just got them when we got to Miami! They are absolutely wonderful! It felt like Christmas morning opening them. We are all so grateful and excited, we can't wait to get back to Costa Rica to start making them.

We will keep you posted as to how it goes and we can't wait to order more from you and pay for them!!! We are very grateful to you!

Thanks so much,
Jennifer and KSTR

To Jennifer, I say this. Your gratefulness is noted and it is refreshing to have someone take time to express it by sending a note of thanks. I hope Jennifer keeps all of us posted about the soap making endeavors of Kids Saving The Rainforest.

Emails like this (and many other wonderful emails we recieve from customers) is what motivates our company to offer the best possible service.

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