Saturday, October 16, 2010

And the Winner is.... FREE Soap Making Book Giveaway

Creative Soap Making Book
Thanks to everyone who entered our recent giveaway for Elin Criswell's "Creative Soap Making Book". The winner was Lidia from Potomac, MD. Here is what she had to say about

"Since I saw the site online for the first time, I love being able to choose from a variety of molds, soap bases, colors, fragrance oils, and even packaging options. I ten to go with as natural as possible and I was pleased to see the options I had for the soap bases such as the Pure & Natural soap base, hemp soap base, and even the organic soap base.

I also appreciate all the resources available on the site with the step by step tutorials, FAQs, links to other helpful sites, etc. The site itself is easy to navigate and I can spend hours, if I want, just looking at all the possibilities. Also, whenever I get stuck or have a question, I get an answer promptly which I really appreciate.

I love receiving the packages with the supplies I request and often I get a bonus fragrance oil which is really nice....."

Thanks, Lidia for your accolades. Hope you find Elin's book helpful. We'll get it out to you pronto.

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