Sunday, January 09, 2011

Let the Countdown Begin!

In a prior blog post I mentioned I will be heading to South America in early February. If you follow GPE on Face Book you know I am offering a Countdown To South America special. Starting tonight at 12 midnight (EST) receive 20% off an online order placed through January 16, midnight (EST). Each countdown week decreases the coupon value by 5%. So order early to reap the biggest savings. The last week to save is January 30 through February 2.

Now, here's the skinny on how to make sure you qualify:

  • Your item total must be at least $65 (shipping/handling excluded)

  • You MUST key the discount coupon code COUNTDOWN in the coupon code box during checkout. We will not add the code later. It must be done at checkout, or no discount will apply. Please don't email later and ask cuz we're gonna say "No".

  • Discount valid on online orders only. Phone order, fax orders, email orders excluded. Sorry! But those are the rules.

  • When you key the discount code, the shopping cart will apply a "one penny" discount. Rest assured you will get the full discount once the order is received and reviewed. Why do we have to review it? Because there are some things that don't qualify for this Countdown discount. These include:
  1. 24-lb. soap blocks
  2. Body Butter Whip
  3. Clearance or items already discounted
  4. 32 ounce Liquid Gel Soap Colors
  5. 11-lb. soap blocks (hemp and olive oil)
  6. Organic Soap Base
  7. Anything currently out of stock
  8. No backorders allowed
  9. Discount cannot be used in conjunction with any other discounts or coupons

Other than that, it's all good. So what are you waiting for? Get shopping and take advantage of this first week savings... 20% off!

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