Thursday, March 10, 2011

Happy Birthday to my Daughter

Today is my daughter's birthday. I baked the above cupcakes for my grandson to take to his Mommy's school. She is an asst. principal and since my Grandson had the day off for parent/teacher conferences, his Mommy invited him to spend the day with her at school.

Last night, the grand kids came to stay the night. I made these fun place mats for the kids to decorate and color for Mommy's birthday. They also got to cut out bologna and cheese pieces to decorate their burgers. I cut out flower bread shapes as burger buns (in hopes that Spring is on its way!!)

It was a fun night with the grand kids and just another way to use many of the same cutters that we use for soap :)). Our soaping girl, Sophie, is using some of these same small cutters in a soaping project we will be showing you within a few days.

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