Friday, March 18, 2011

Sickness: Makes One Reflect on Life

This week I have been home sick in bed with a BAD case of the flu. I can't remember the last time I was this ill and unable to work. I haven't been able to do much except lie in bed reflecting on life, work, and family (and anything else you want to throw into the mix). I am convinced that being sick forces us to slow down and consider what's truly important in life.

Since I wasn't in the office to take calls, my staff worked double duty to take of business. In case you didn't know, we don't have a pool of workers to call in when illness overtakes us. We all just tighten the belt strap, suck it in and get through the best we can.

I want to thank the many wonderful customers who so kindly understood that sometimes life happens and we have no control over it. Your well wishes weren't taken lightly. There were others, well, all I can say is shame on you. I watched my dad battle cancer for 4 long years. He never wasted a breath or moment on what didn't matter. Instead, he choose to focus on what was important, those things that he could control while living.

This really hit home today when my daughter called with some very upsetting news. She needs me and I can't be there because I am so weak from the flu. It was affirmation that family and health is way more important than this job or business. Rest assured, no one is going to lose their life, health, or career because I was sick and couldn't take your calls or emails.

I appreciate every customer and every sale. But, being sick this week has given me insight into just how fast life can change. I will NOT let this business kill me... then where would you be?

Hope you have a wonderful weekend and stay well.


  1. Isn't the flu the worst! Had it myself earlier this year and I don't want it again. So glad you are feeling a bit better and hopefully you'll be back on your feet soon.

  2. I sure appreciate the well wishes, Viki! And yes, the flu is the worst.

  3. Kudos to you and your staff! I've never has anything less than excellent service from your company. Keep up the good work and get better soon!

  4. @Crazy K Finlly able to keep down a cup of tea this AM and a small amount of plain oatmeal last night. Had hubby pick up Pedialyte. Not the best tasting stuff but at least it will keep my electrolytes in check. Lost 5 pounds in last 3 days. Thanks for the encouragement and I will share your words with my workers.

  5. Sounds like a good plan for me! Worst case scenario you might lose some of the grumpy clients. Big deal.

  6. Elena Babayan7:33 PM EDT

    Главное здоровье! Берегите его! Все проходит - пройдет и это! Скоро лето - думайте о солнышке и выздоравливайте!
    ==automatic translation from Russian============
    The main health! Take care of it! Everything passes - and it will be! Soon summer - think about the sunshine and get well!

  7. Thanks, Elena. Finally on the mend, but not without a dose of antibiotics. Thank you so much for your well wishes.

  8. the best antibiotic - is-good mood!


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