Saturday, July 02, 2011

Warehouse #1 Reorganization Project

I'm a confirmed nut case. We are in a heat wave of mid-90 degree weather & I decide to install some new shelves in warehouse #1. It's long overdue and I've been trying to get this project on the books before I leave for vacation on July 9. Today, I solicited the help of my husband (he was gritting his teeth). I had to promise him some boat time later this weekend. It's a total mess as the pictures indicate. By day's end, we should have most everything in place (I hope as it's suppose to rain and we've pulled a bunch of shelves out onto the pavement so there is no A/C going). I'll leave all the reorganizing for my staff when they return to work next week.

Hope you're all having more fun on this Saturday than I am.

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