Saturday, December 17, 2011

Day Five: 2011 Magic Elf Countdown

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Well, Elf Freckles had some shower fun last night. Fischer (my 3 year old grandson) stayed the night with NeeNee and Poppy. When he awoke this morning to use the bathroom, this is what he found. As usual, he explained to us how his elf did this. I have a video clip link below of his conversation with Poppy.

According to Fischer, the elf climbed up the toilet paper to get to the top of the shower head. He is the perfect age for the Magic Christmas Elf. It's such a joy to watch the enthusiasm he conveys when finding his elf. When the grand kids stay over, they awaken extra early so they can discover what their elves did overnight. Sometimes they leave a gift, other times they just do mischief. You never know what those silly elves are going to do.


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