Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Day Two: 2011 Magic Elf Countdown

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On Day Two, the elves left each child a felt advent calendar. A stick of gum was inserted into each date pocket. As you can see, Dimples stacked pillows and hung the advent calendar from a light fixture.

My oldest grandson Carson, age eight, was concerned the elves had taken gum from NeeNee and Poppy's special cupboard when they stayed with us the night prior. We keep packets of gum in a cupboard above the fridge and Carson was right on; the elves had slipped gum in a back pack to fill the advent pockets.

Carson easily bought into this scenario but was concerned whether Poppy would be upset about the missing gum. I'll be leaving an apology note to Poppy from the elves. It will let Poppy know the heartfelt remorse the elves have for sneaking into Poppy's gum cupboard.

Miss O's elf, Giggles, was sitting on the kitchen counter surrounded by Pez candy and gum wrappers with a pink boa around her neck. My daughter calls me on her daily drive into work. There are no words to express the excitement she described when the kids awoke to find their elves this morning.

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