Saturday, January 07, 2012

Packaging: Brown Bagging It!

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I often pack cold lunches for my grand kids when they stay over on a school night. As I was packing my grand son's lunch this week I was inspired. Hmmm....there must be a more creative way to use this brown  Kraft bag.

I started rummaging around for various ribbons, twine, gift tags and rubber stamps. If I really took the time to make the calculations, my guess is each decorated bag costs 45 pennies. Yep, that's right, PENNIES!!

A hole punch and several different decorative paper cutters were used (the type used in scrap booking). Your imagination is the only limitation to the many variations you can create. FYI, a 100 count package of lunch bags was $2.00. That's just 20 cents per bag.

Stock up on ribbon from clearance bins. Pick sizes that range from 1/4 to 5/8 inches in width. GoPlanetEarth sells a package of various gift tags and twine that is ideal for this project. All you need is assorted ribbon and an imagination!

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