Saturday, December 01, 2012

Brown Bag Holiday Gift Wrap Idea

Brown Bag Holiday Gift Wrap Idea

I have 28 gifts to wrap for nieces and nephews this year. The item I am gifting (sorry, it's a secret) isn't an easy one to wrap. That's where my handy-dandy paper punch comes into play. You can make just about anything wrap look good with a paper-edge punch.

Brown lunch bags can be found in any grocery store isle and cost pennies per bag. For this gift packaging project, I stamped the edge of each bag with a decorative punch, cut two slits to insert the candy cane ears, glued wiggle eyes and a pom-pom nose to complete the look.

A quick, easy and inexpensive wrap for your child's classroom or small, hard-to-wrap gifts. Even as I write this post, my mind is whirling with other brown bag packaging ideas for this holiday. Stay posted!

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