Tuesday, April 02, 2013

Melt & Pour Soap Making: Meet Aqua Lizard

Aua Lizard melt and pour soap

Sophie Soap Chick up to some soaping shenanigans over Easter weekend. Meet Aqua Lizard. He loves water, smells good and loves to hang-out with kids. His favorite habitat is the bath tub and he occasionally likes to lounge around in a soap dish before splashing back into the water.

Sophie will be sharing with us later this week about how Aqua Lizard was assembled, soap colors used and materials needed.

About Sophie Soap Chick
Sophie is a graduate of Ferris State University with Bachelors in Criminal Justice, Minor in Forensics, and a Minor in Psychology.

She starts her internship this summer at a law firm and will also work as a dispatcher at the Department of Public Safety.

In between her busy work schedule, she will make soaps to inspire you and show you how to soap outside the box. If you enjoy Sophie's creative soaps, please drop her a line on our FB page. It will make her day.

I gave Sophie some ideas about how I would like the soap to look, but she took it a step farther and added her own soaping magic.

Sophie's in a soaping frenzy, so look for some great designs in the upcoming weeks. If you have any ideas you would like Sophie to try, email me and I will pass it along. She's always game to try new techniques and loves brainstorming about new designs.

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