Wednesday, May 16, 2007

It's my Party and I'll Cry if I Want To

Last weekend we attended a big bash for our granddaughter's first birthday. It included white canopy tents, hanging food baskets, a catered meal and one unhappy birthday girl. Princess Olivia just wasn't in the party mood. Of course, all us adults had a great time, but one does wonder why we go to all this hoop-da-la for a first birthday. There is no doubt that Princess Olivia will have no recollection of the party. She would have much rather finished her afternoon nap than attend the event. The picture says it all.

Having said that, our grandson turns four next weekend. Guess what? You got it... we're doing it all over again. His party will be a pirate theme. Of course, NeeNee (that's me) bought all the party decorations including a really cool pirate sword that lights up and makes swooshing sounds when you use it. And then there's the pirate shirt, eyepatch, hat, sliding telescope. Oh, and let's not forget the treasure chest full of gold coins and loot.

Since I spent a bunch of loot on furnishing the party decorations, I told my daughter I would not be bringing a gift. Afterall, our little guy will have plenty of gifts to open from other party-goers. That all changed when my grandson had the following conversation with me,

"So, NeeNee, what present are you bringing to my party?"

"Well what would you like?"

"A Power Ranger costume. A red one!"

As crazy as it seems, I stayed up until 2 am that night trying to snag a Power Ranger costume in his size (red, of course). His size was out of stock on most web sites, but I persevered. It arrives today. The crazy things we do for those we love.

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