Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Yahoo! A Day at the Spa

Every year in May I treat my college employees to a day at the spa. It's a tradition I started a number of years ago and it's proven to be a great morale booster. These girls work hard (not just on the job, but also at their studies) and are extremely loyal to the business. They certainly deserve a bit of pampering. Missy has been with me for 3 years, Kaylee for 2 years, and Mary and Michelle for 1 year. We lunched at a local waterfront restaurant and then headed off to an afternoon at the spa.

I must admit I have some VERY exceptional employees. They love their job, take pride in what they do, AND have many perks from the company. One such perk is a college scholarship fund. We celebrate birthdays by ordering in lunch and spend a full day decorating for the holidays in late November.

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