Thursday, July 26, 2007

Bacon Soap?? Now this is recycling to the extreme!

Bacon Soap I stumbled upon this video the other day. It's amusing and believe it or not, informative in the sense that it does give a generic overview of how CP (cold process) soap is made. I'm not so sure I would ever use "bacon soap", but it's a novel idea. ENJOY!

This link will take you to the step-by-step instruction page and video clip.


  1. You probably have used "bacon" soap at one point or another. Lard is cheap, and makes a hard bar of soap. Many soap makers use lard as a base for their soaps. Check out some ingredient labels and see. Also, if you see "sodium tallowate" that's beef fat. Ivory soap has that.


    Author , _Making Soap In Your Own Kitchen_,
    a beginner's guide to soapmaking.

  2. Yes, this is true, however, a dry process is used to render inedible fat. A wet process can also be used that utilizes steam to heat the raw material which is then pressed to remove a water-fat mixture which is separated into fat.

    No doubt, pork fat has a long history in soap making, but most individuals don't fry the bacon on the stove top to render the fat. The thought of having bacon chips in my bath soap just isn't appealing. Can you imagine how a consumer would respond if they purchased a can of lard at the grocery store that looked like the rendered lard in the Bacon Soap Video? Yuk!

    Thanks for the comment!


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