Saturday, July 21, 2007

Soapmaking Certification Program

The Handcrafted Soap Makers Guild (HSMG) recently annouced a soap making certification program to members of the guild. If you are not yet a member of the soap making guild, I encourage you to join. They offer many member benefits including a soapmaker's journal that is published several times a year, product and general liablity insurance at group rates, resource library, online forum to meet and chat with other soapmakers, and many other added benefits and incentives.

I am quite excited about the the certification program as it will promote high standards among handcrafted soap makers and will help to establish an industry wide standard of excellence. Three levels of certification will be offered for both CP/HP soapmaking and MP soapmaking. The levels include

1) general soapmaker level
2) advanced level
3) master level

I've been appointed to serve on the certification steering committee to help establish criteria and test questions for all levels of MP soap making pertaining to formulating techniques. The Soap Guild hopes to begin the first level of testing on October 1, 2007 (cost is $25). The advanced level of certification will be implemented April 2008 (cost is $50), and the master level October 2008 (cost is $75).

For more info about the certification program visit

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for the information. A certification program sounds like a great deal.


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