Tuesday, December 04, 2007

A few Christmas Decorating Ideas

The holiday season is upon us and I thought a few decorating ideas were in order. Hope these inspire you to dig out those boxes of Christmas lights from the attic and make this year's Christmas merry and BRIGHT!

If you're looking for more holiday decorating ideas, pay a visit to uglychristmaslights.com. I guarantee you'll find something that strikes your fancy.

In the above picture, I'm guessing the canopy tent is where the manger scene is set-up. The homeowners didn't want Jesus, Mary and Joseph to be out in the rain or snow. It just wouldn't be right.

The house with all the lights.... again, I'm just guessing, but I bet there were no lights left at the local Wal-mart after this homeowner left the store. Thankfully, none of these homeowners are my neighbors! In fact, these pictures inspire me. Not to decorate, but to send a wonderful gift to my neighbors for NOT decorating.

Sure hope all of you are making time to enjoy this joyous holiday season.

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