Wednesday, December 05, 2007

Tuesday Soap Night

On Tuesday I hosted a "Holiday Soap Night". It was an evening of soaping, socializing, and sipping wine (what's a soap night without a little wine??). Everyone made four soaps for our grandkids (one duck pond soap, one bendable holiday character soap, and two cupcake soaps) . I've posted a few pictures of our event.

Post Script: I am fortunate to have one of the most wonderful group of lady friends. The more time I spend with them, the more I treasure and appreciate their friendship. Life is good when you're surrounded by incredible friends.

All of the supplies used can be purchased at

Missy (far left), my long-time employee, is showing the gals how to add the snow effects to the top of the duck pond soaps.

Betty is putting the finishing touches on her bendable holiday soap.

Our lovely, crazy Mo (short for Maureen) showcasing her work.

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