Sunday, February 03, 2013

How to Make: Minecraft Lego Valentine Tote Box

This is actually a follow-up post to the Valentine Tote Box I made from my six-year old granddaughter. Every parent and grandparent knows, what you do for one, you have to do for the other. If not, be ready to hear the words (with arms crossed), "NOT FAIR!"

Both my grandsons, ages nine and four, are obsessed with the Minecraft game on their iPods. Carrying a Valentine tote decorated in hearts and pink and red ribbons wasn't gonna cut the cheese. I decided on this Minecraft tote. It has a Valentine touch, but isn't too girlie looking.

You can glean plenty of decorating ideas using a Google search. I came up with plenty of inspiring ideas, but settled on this theme due to time constraints. I have two of these boxes to make and, like most of you, have limited hours to get everything done. This took me about 1 hour from start to finish.

My nine-year old has the Minecraft Lego set. He wanted a picture of the completed Lego set to put on the back of his tote.When positioning the picture on the box, it looked too cluttered.

No Picture = He'll get over it.

The back side of the tote box is pictured below. Heck, if you have the time, you could print and cut Minecraft characters onto the back section.
As for NeeNee (that would be me), it's not happening, but it would still be pretty cool.

Back side of Valentine Tote Box

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