A good friend phoned last night to ask if she could stop by before I started my work day on Wednesday. I hadn't seen her in a while and wasn't sure what the visit entailed.
My friend and her husband owned a very reputable Kitchen and Bath company in our area. Through the years, their company has done a tremendous amount of work for me on both a personal and business level. Last summer, their company went out of business. The economy was so distressed that they couldn't stay afloat. Like so many, they are living paycheck to paycheck (if there is a paycheck that week) and looking for ways to pay for their son's upcoming college education plus all the expenses that go along with having a high school senior. Oh, and did I mention the family has no health insurance? The job she was able to find at a local credit union pays minimal wages with limited hours and no benefits. Her husband is taking every odd job he can find but there is little work in Michigan for even the most industrious worker.

Why am I sharing this? Because this dear friend who is struggling to keep her home from going into foreclosure, put food on the table, and find a means to just pay for health care basics (like a mammogram) was asking for help. Not for herself, but for others.
Her current employer is offering a Home for the Holiday Home Giveaway. This project will provide two area families with quality homes (mortgage FREE)! These are foreclosure homes that will be brought up to code and are receiving structural and cosmetic improvements. The purpose of my friend's visit was to see if my company would be willing to donate.
How selfless! Even in the midst of her own hardship, she is working to make sure the needs of others are met. It was a reminder that the happiest people don't have the best of everything. They just make the best of everything that they have. Live simply. Love generously. Care deeply, and give until there's nothing left to give.
Yes, our company donated!