Some time back, I made a blog post that included the photo shown below. It was a stock photo and really had to relevance to any of the molds that we stock at GoPlanetEarth. However, one of my customer's, Dawn, was intrigued by the shape of the soap shown forefront and wanted to know what mold she should purchase to obtain that same shape. Sadly, I had no clue since it was not one of our molds, though this very shape had been on the drawing board for a Mold Market mold. Unfortunately, some thermoforming issues related to release put a snag in the preliminary design.
I did some brainstorming and suggested to Dawn that using a piece of corrugated eavestroughing might achieve a similar shape. I wasn't sure it was a viable idea, but anything is worth a try, right?

Well, Dawn grabbed ahold of the idea and gave the eavestrough idea a whirl. She was kind enough to email her results to me and graciously consented to let me share those results with you. Thank you, Dawn! Below is Dawn's email to me.
"I recently wrote to ask where to find the mold for soap like in a picture on your website and you wrote to say "Maybe a rain gutter?" So I tried it with a white vinyl rain gutter ($7 for a 12 foot piece at Home Depot) cut into 12 inch length, oiled the inside lightly with olive oil and then poured Aloe Vera cold process soap into the mold.
- First try, soap leaked all over the place, even though I meticulously taped one end shut with real sticky tape.
- Second try I used thick plastic with tightly wound wide rubber bands.
- Third try I used several layers of saran wrap with tightly wound wide rubber bands. The third time the soap still leaked out but did stop leaking soon without losing much soap. Then to get the soap out of the rain gutter was a problem. Today I noticed that the soap was shrinking from the sides more so I put the 12 inch piece back in the freezer for about 30 minutes. Then I laid it on it's side to thaw. A few hours later I noticed that the soap was sliding out one end! It rolled right on out! Beautiful!
So this mold is quite cheap and works great if you are patient, something I'm not!"
SIDEBAR: The soap leaked immediately when using tape... so tape DOES NOT work. So far, only saran wrap withwide ruber bands has worked. But the soap turns out so beautiful. I put the rain gutter with soap inside a flat bottomed bowl to catch any leakage, which wasn't much once I tried the saran wrap.
If you want to try this and are looking for wide rubber bands, you can find them
here. You will want to order the Size 84.
The next trip my husband makes to Home Depot (which is almost every weekend), I am going to have him purchase a 12 ft section so I can try with Melt & Pour soap. Not so sure it will release as easily as the CP since MP soap doesn't have the same shrinkage as CP soap. But what the heck! It's worth a try. I'll let you know how it works out.