It's easy to get excited about all the wonderful fragrance choices offered by various suppliers. Before you know it you're hearing "ka-ching, ka-ching, ka-ching" as you add your pick fragrances to the cart. In many cases, you haven't sampled the fragrances which means you could possibly end up with scents you don't like and will never use.
Fragrance is very personal. Everyone's sense of smell is different. What one person loves, another may loathe. And trying to predict a customer's fragrance likes and dislikes is nearly impossible. So what to do with those "yucky" unused fragrance oils? Consider fragrance blending. Use the fragrances you currently have and blend them with those "yucky" fragrances. By experimenting, you can blend a combination of fragrances that becomes your own signature scent. Many customers just starting out in business have a limited budget. A wrong fragrance purchase can be a big "ouch" and blending is a great way to flip an "ouch" into an "ah". Maybe you don't own any "yucky" fragrances. Blending is still a great way to experiment with the fragrances you do like. It's possible to add 2-3 new scents just by blending from your current fragrance stock (and never spent a penny:).So how do you get started with blending? A printable list of some sample fragrance blends can be found at GoPlanetEarth.com.You may or may not have all of the fragrances listed but don't let that stop you from experimenting. Work with the fragrances you have. I've given a few pointers about how to get started and supplies needed.
Already have a favorite blend to share? Email and I will gladly post it.
Supplies Needed:
- Pipettes for transfering fragrance parts into sampling tubes
- 5-inch sampling tubes (you will want the natural polyproylene ones)
- Assorted fragrances that you currently own or view the complete fragrance list from GoPlanetEarth.com.
The How-To:
1) Select the fragrances you would like to blend.
2) Using a clean, unused pipette draw out one part from Fragrance A and place into sampler tube. Using a clean, unused pipette draw out one part from Fragrance B and place into the sampler tube used for Fragrance A. Depending on the number of fragrances you have selected, continue to add one part of each fragrance.
3) Always use one pipetter for each fragrance selected. The same pipette used for Fragrance A should not be used for Fragrance B.
4) Add one part of each fragrance you selected into the sampler tube. You may not always be adding equal parts of each fragrance, but it's a good starting point. As you experiment with different fragrances, you may use 3 parts of one, 2 parts of another, etc. There will be ample opportunity to add additional parts as you sample your blend. Remember this is work in progress and the maturation of the blended scents isn't immediate so starting with one part is recommended.
5) Keeping a record of your blending experiments is critical. If you develop that perfect combination, you want to be able to duplicate it.
6) Once you have added fragrances, place cap on sampler tube and gently shake. Allow tube to set for 5 minutes so the scents have an opportunity to introduce themselves to each other. Uncap the tube and sample the early stages of the aroma. Do this by placing the tube 2-3 inches from your nose and sniffing the air. Again, record your thoughts. Does one fragrance seem to overpower another? Is one fragrance lost in the mix? Is something missing?
7) Recap the tube and allow to sit for a few hours so that the oils become better acquainted. Blending fragrances is somewhat like blending wine. You have to allow the different varieties to mature and intrigrate. Uncap and document your thought on the blend. Recap and allow tube to sit for a few days. This is when the scent will fully mature.
8) Uncap and make any adjustments. If scent A is overpowering, then add more of scent B (or C or D). Do you need to add a new fragrance to the blend, maybe even two? Document changes.
9) When adding more fragrance parts, you will need to repeat all of the above steps.
10) Hint: Smelling a number of different scents can overpower and diminish the sense of smell. Sniffing ground coffee will refresh and restore the sense of smell. Sniffing the armpit has also been recommended (honest engine!). Personally, I think I'll stick to coffee.GOOD LUCK!!
All of the fragrances and essential oils found in the Fragrance Oil Blending Guide can be purchased at GoPlanetEarth.com. They offer an extensive selection of soap making supplies.